
As a housing co-operative, Superior View Housing Co-operative Inc. does not fall under the "Landlords and Tenants Act". Instead, we have our own Rules and Regulations, decided by the members for the members. All members are responsible for ensuring  they have a copy of the Rules and Regulations as well as having a working knowledge of these Rules and Regulations. A copy of these Rules and Regulations can be found on this site.
As a member, you have input into all major decisions of the Co-op including:
  • approving the annual Co-op budget
  • approving all major capital expenditures
  • setting the priorities for repairs or replacements of  any of our capital assets

To accomplish this, members are required to attend two annual meetings. One is a spring budget meeting and the other is the fall Annual General Meeting.


Except for staffing the office, our entire co-op runs from a volunteer base. As a result, members volunteer to sit on a variety of committees including:

  • Board of Directors (Governing body)
  • Selection Committee (to interview new members)
  • Finance Committee (sets annual budget)
  • Personnel Committee (works with Co-op staff)
  • Standing Rules Committee (to ensure adherence to the Rules & Regulations )
  • Arrears Committee (works with members in arrears)
  • Maintenance Committee (assists and advises Maintenance staff)
  • Recreation Committee (organizes activities of interest to members)

Our goal is to keep operational costs as low as possible. To this end, members volunteer to clean stairwells, vacuum halls, maintain garbage sheds and assist with lawn mowing and snow shoveling for their specific buildings. Most duties are assigned on a rotational basis so as that no one member is expected to do more than any other.


As a member of the Co-op, you are free to have house guests whenever you chose. We do ask that:
  1. you notify the office that you are having company so that we are aware of extra vehicles etc.
  2. you arrange additional parking if required.
  3. you have your guests contact the office to schedule a Selection Interview if they decide to become permanent residents of the Co-op.
  4. Guests are allowed to stay within the Co-op for up to 30 days after which they must apply for membership unless other arrangements have been made.